Longevity Supplementation: A Key Component of Healthy Aging. But are you buying what it says on the bottle?
Longevity supplements can be a valuable tool in supporting your aging journey. While they are not a magic bullet, these supplements should be seen as a complement to a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular vigorous exercise. For those in the health industry aiming to reach consumers, it’s crucial to reframe the conversation. The focus should shift towards how later years can be enjoyed as much as the younger ones. Supporting healthy aging among consumers involves identifying and providing products that help achieve this goal. Recent data suggests that about 70% of consumers in the U.K. and U.S., and an impressive 85% in China, have purchased more products in this category over the past year compared to previous years. Interestingly, healthy aging is no longer just a concern for the older population. Millennials and Gen Z are increasingly becoming significant players in this space, now purchasing more wellness products than older generations. However, are they buying “a reason to believe” or are they are choosing trusted brands wisely?
See the story on Longevity Technology On-Line Publication: Longevity supplements: are you getting what you pay for?